Sibel Edmonds on Operation Gladio

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

For the past several weeks James Corbett and FBI whistle blower Sibel Edmonds have been conducting the most fascinating series of interviews on the planet.  They deal with Operation Gladio and its very overlooked role in Turkey.  Now there is a lot of information in these interviews so I urge you to really set aside some time to watch these so you can better absorb what is being said and exposed.  What Sibel Edmonds discusses will destroy all of the propaganda that has been force fed to us for decades about terrorism, our current “war on terror”, 9/11, drugs trafficking, fundamentalist Islam, destabilization of Central Asia, and perhaps most important, the actual nature and goals of NATO and there globalist leaders.  Of course for  I urge you to go out and purchase Sibel Edmonds memoir Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story.

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