Porkins Policy Radio Episode 1 “Boston Bombing and the CIA connection”

Podcast correction: I misspoke when talking about Imam Gulen’s charter schools in the United States.  I said that he operated thousands of schools.  He actually operates over a hundred.  Sorry for that gross mischaracterization.

As I said in the podcast there is a lot of information here.  The show notes provide all of the articles that I discussed in the podcast.  I have also provided some really excellent resource pages on Graham Fuller and Imam Gulen for those interested.  And for anyone that truly wants to understand the reality of the “war on terror” and how it functions I have provided a link to an incredible interview series between James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B.

Show Notes:

Uncle Ruslan press conference

Was Boston bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?

USAID spying on Latin American leaders

Boston bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ was Halliburton contractor

Boston bombers uncle married daughter of top CIA offical

The Tsarnaevs and the CIA: Who is Graham Fuller

Graham Fuller think piece lays ground work for Iran Contra

‘Uncle Ruslan’ aided terrorists from CIA official’s home

The Tsarnaevs and the CIA – Part 2: Who is Brian Glyn Williams

Tamerlan Tsarnaev attends Jamestown Foundation workshop

Uncle Ruslan still works for USAID

Two FBI agents involved in Boston investigation fall out of helicopter

FBI shoots and kills Ibragim Todashev

Yet another explanation for the killing of Ibragim Todashev

Resource pages:

Graham Fuller  Fethullah Gulen resource page

Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett on Gladio B


LTJ Bukem “Atlantis”

CZR Chicago Southside

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